Here they were at the Philadelphia Cricket Club all dressed up and ready to get married… All anyone could think about was the sweet moments in life that had led them here…
“Let’s rewind 12 years ago, it was the year 2006. I walk through the doors of the high school cafeteria wearing a pair of flared jeans, an Abercrombie and Fitch collared shirt, most likely a popped collar, don’t want to leave out any juicy details. Accompanied by a white puffer jacket with one of those super obnoxious fur hoods. I also had a curly afro before straightening hair was cool so just add that for a visual. At this point you are probably wondering how this relates to me marrying the man of my dreams, but it’s relevant.
Let me explain, everyone knows the saying love-at-first-sight. This particular moment of my pure hideousness is Corys’ moment of love at first sight. I mean let’s be honest if someone can love me looking like that I better lock him down pretty quickly. Some of you might say 12 years is not quick but it’s been the best 12 years of my life, rolling through this crazy world with my best friend along for the ride.”
As I read Lauren and Cory’s story I couldn’t help but giggle! Their story resonates in such a real, down to earth way. Their story might have been more of a romcom than a pure romance movie, but it has to make your heart melt. We all hoped in high school we would meet “the one” and live happily ever after. For them, it happened, dorky 2000s clothing and all!
Let’s jump ahead a few weeks into the school year, they were back in the cafeteria for Driver’s ED, clearly a very romantic setting. Cory walked into the first class with an iced tea and a snack and asked if she wanted some. That was it, that was Lauren’s love at-first-sight moment. From that point forward he always shared his Iced tea with her every week and his kindness won her heart over completely.
Fast forward to the next 12 years. Not much has changed since that day in the cafeteria, but I’ll give you a few of the big recaps. 4 proms, some graduations, a dog and a cat later here they were at the Philadelphia Cricket Club about to get married. After living so much of their lives side-by-side it was time for them to officially seal the deal… Although, let’s be real, Cory locked down Lauren a long time ago with those iced teas!
Their wedding day was bitterly cold, but they could have cared less. It was their wedding day and nothing else in the world could bring them down! Watching them celebrate with their friends and family, the little moments just between them, and all the joy they exuded was such an honor. They truly made the most of their wedding day soaking in every moment to the fullest! It also helped that they were at one of the most gorgeous venues in PA, the Philadelphia Cricket Club!
Now these high school sweethearts are officially husband-and-wife and I know they have so many more amazing years ahead of them! Their wedding day was amazing, and reliving it today is extra special. I hope you love every sweet moment and gorgeous detail as much as I do!

How gorgeous was the Philadelphia Cricket Club for them?!
Love what you’re seeing? Want more gorgeous photos to scroll through? Check out this amazing maternity session the Waterworks here in PA here!